Gig Review: Måneskin, MCA, Melbourne, 23 November 2023

Måneskin are certainly making a name for themselves all over the globe, but it was last nights’ performance at Melbourne’s Margaret Court Arena that landed them in the “Thank Fuck for Rock’n’Roll” category. On the third show of their Australian leg of the “Rush” World Tour, the band took to the stage to a ‘cold’ crowd as no support was needed for this Italian four piece. Completely blowing the speakers to record levels, Måneskin is proving that rock still is the language of love to this Melbourne crowd, who ventured out on a school night to see the global sensation perform. And what a show it was.
Gritty vocals, growling six strings and a unity between band members which was almost as electric as their light show; strobes, lasers, and everything else that could make a promise of an epileptic seizure. The 2021 Italian Eurovision winners, proceeded to slam through their catalogue with stylish fashion reminiscent of the old school glam rockers such as Bowie and The Sweet but with a more modern and grungy twist.
With each member taking the deserved spotlight with both guitarist Thomas Raggi and bassist Victoria De Angelis crowd surfing and even actually sauntering through the crowd, which is so rare for any band to do these days.
Accommodating the audience at the back of the arena, a second stage was set for a more intimate session with singer Damian David, Raggi and even drummer Ethan Torchio picking up a six string to treat punters to an acoustic set which included a stripped down version of Jets ‘Are you Going to be My Girl’.
Bringing the show back up to the main stage and ploughing through their catalogue, they even managed to grab fans onto the stage nearing the end of the gig making the night for these die hard fans.
Måneskin’s gritty, hard, glam rock was certainly welcomed in the City Of Rock capital, Melbourne, which is good; cause they certainly left their brand on the crowd!